Suffering a headache the morning after drinking red wine is a very common experience for many people in the community. But these headaches are part of a hangover? Why do some people suffer headaches, even after just one glass of red wine?
In particular, red wines including Shiraz in the mixture appear powerful source of headache following dan.Shiraz Headache, can infact be caused by drinking to excess, but may be out of doors.
Headaches in the door "Cervicogenic" in origin and is now a well established cause of this form boli.Upućivanje pain of the upper cervical spine is now well accepted in the literature, and clinical practice.
Common causes of this pain can be broadly described in two groups according to the cause.
headache of acute trauma on the spine, such as that seen in motor vehicle accidents are the obvious mechanical uzrok.Oštećenja structure of the cervical spine are involved in a motor vehicle accident can be extensive, and reflect the significant forces involved in these accidents.
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