
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Wine During Prohibition

I turned 21 in 1999, decades after the Roaring twenties. Therefore, I can honestly say that I do not know what Prohibition feels like. I can only compare with an empty keg on the raging party or a feeling that I got one night in high school, when I looked disgruntled bouncer cut up my beloved fake ID. I, like most of us, he became of age at the time when the wine flows freely, the beer was always on tap, and every teenager counting the days until their 21st birthday.

Those who were born in the early 19th century, however, were not so lucky. During a pandemic flu and marked World War, an era in which drinking is not just for pleasure, but is also used as a much-needed escape from reality, the ban came into the picture.

as an unwelcome patron who pulls up a chair at a local bar, salon owners and lovers of alcohol in America is a view of the ban and said: "We do not want any." But this was no ordinary man and decisions, as beer fell to tears, whiskey winced, and cases of Merlot wined, prohibition began January 16, 1920, when he came into force on 18 amendment illegalizing production, transport and sale of alcohol.

It was a red flag against the ban since the beginning - nothing KKK fervently advocates is probably not the best idea - and the prohibition, in the end, did little more than the increase in alcohol consumption and pave the way for organized crime. Fourteen years later, in December 1933, prohibition was repealed 21st Amendment, leaving many Americans to raise their glasses to lawmakers for the first time in more than a decade.

Volstead Act

During Prohibition, the wine is treated a little differently than other types of alcohol, it's like that bottle of Cabernet slipped the government twenty-winked in a way that meant, "shh ... keep the cap on it." It's the Volstead the Act. Enacted in the year before the ban began, gave federal agents the ability to investigate and prosecute anyone caught in violation of the prohibition of the liquor laws. However, wines used for sacramental purposes are exempt under this Act, allowing the wine slip through the cracks, where the beer is too thick for the leak.

Because of this Act, the limited amount of wine could be both at home and winery. However, they are the wineries were only available for purchase through a warehouse owned and monitored by the government. Wine is also allowed to be purchased for use in religious ceremonies, especially the masses. However, these rules would not be wine drinkers than by wine only for legal purposes, the conceptual "wine opener," Volstead Act provided that opportunity, one drink quickly go through the


A study conducted in 1925, in the heart of the prohibition, found that demand for sacramental wine rose by 800,000 gallons in a two-year period. Perhaps this request is legitimately made ​​the church goers - Prohibition brought out the religious revival of its own - but it is far more likely that people purchase sacramental wine for other purposes. Just like the old saying no atheists in the foxhole , no atheists in the ban when religious wines are legal.


Although the prohibition of the consumption of wine increased almost 100 percent - which was illegalizing will often do - many wineries were forced to close its doors. For those who do not make sacramental wines, it was difficult to get around the law and set the grapes of wrath as well as other time in history. Therefore, the ban has drastically changed the grape industry, putting grapes everywhere without posla.Vinarija who survived that period did so partly adjust their grapes are grapes of wine grapes that are served non-alcoholic purposes, such as Concord grapes used to make raisins, juice of and grape jam.

grape industry in California, especially the rescue Volstead Act, which enabled the fermented juices are produced at home, giving the winery a reason to stay open. Although this was intended to save the vinegar industry for American farmers, it also gave California wineries to break the rules ban. They Manning winery began producing grape jelly called "Vine-go", they want to, with the addition of water to ferment in a strong wine in about two months.


as a prohibition swept the nation, and people everywhere started making beer, whiskey and wine in their homes, the quality of liquor greatly suffered. Novices brewing and mixing once they were forced to professional status. While some people have alcohol, which was so strong that it left people permanently blind or paralyzed, the wine is not quite as dangerous.

and the wine does not take away a person's ability to walk, or the ability to see, it did not take away some people's ability to truly appreciate fine wines. This is because, at that time, wine was not so fine after all.

After building a reputation that elegantly went back to biblical times, the prohibition of wine, a little less sophisticated and a little more spontaneous. While previously produced by people known for wine knowledge, wine during Prohibition is often made by people who knew nothing about wine, except that they wanted to drink. This is, of course, resulted in weaker wines taste:. This is not the taste, after all, that many wine makers are following the

The ban drew near, the winery that stocks wines from the previous fourteen years could quench the thirst of a parched nation. However, since so many wineries closed, while others are converted from wine grapes to other types of grape and wine industry has years of recovery. During this recovery time, they kept the wine of lesser quality, hindering people from planting more vineyards.

During the ban, it looked like the wine industry was on its way down the drain. But, as the winery began to transform back to the growers of wine-making grapes, the quality of wine at the end was rebuilt. Within a few years, the wine industry was the time of growth, and Americans are savoring every glass, probably now more than ever.


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